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Deleting LDAP Directory Objects

This topic of the SelfADSI tutorial deals with the deleting of LDAP directory objects. The following content is available here: :

Deleting Single Objects with DeleteObject
Deleting Objects in Containers with Delete
Deleting Subtrees (Objects with child objects)

Deleting Single Objects with DeleteObject

If you want to delete an object with an ADSI script, you have to bind to this object and then call the function DeleteObject.


The parameter is reserved and have to be set to the value 0 always.

Set obj = GetObject("LDAP://CN=JohnDoe,OU=users,OU=company,DC=cerrotorre,DC=de") obj.DeleteObject(0)
ADSI Reference on the MSDN: DeleteObject()

Deleting Objects in Containers with Delete

If you want to delete a lot of objects in a certain container (for example an OU), then you can bind to the container and then use the ADSI function Delete.

container.Delete "<object class>", "<object RDN>"

You have to pass two string parameters here: The object class of the object which is to be deleted - and the object's name (the Relative Distinguished name RDN - this includes the label, for example "cn=").

Set ou = GetObject("LDAP://OU=users,OU=company,DC=cerrotorre,DC=de") ou.Delete "user", "CN=PhilippFoeckeler" 'delete a user account Set ou = GetObject("LDAP://,OU=company,DC=cerrotorre,DC=de") For Each obj In ou ou.Delete obj.Class, obj.Name 'delete all objects in the container Next

Another example for demonstration purposes: This could be a function which automates the LDAP bind to the parent container:

DeleteAsChild "CN=Doe\, John,OU=Users,OU=DivisionB,OU=Cerro,DC=ldapexplorer,DC=com" Sub DeleteAsChild(objDN) Dim obj, container Dim objClass, objRDN, containerPath Set obj = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDN) 'evaluate object class objClass = obj.Class objRDN = obj.Name 'get the object's RDN containerPath = obj.Parent 'get the container's LDAP path Set container = GetObject(containerPath) 'bind to container object and perform the Delete container.Delete objClass, objRDN End Sub

Please note that you get the same result with a simple DeleteObject also.

ADSI Reference on the MSDN: Delete()

Deleting Subtrees (Objects with child objects)

If you try to delete an LDAP container (like an OU) in which are other objects stored, you'll geth the runtime error 0x80072015 (-2147016683: LDAP_ONLY_ALLOWED_ON_LEAFS). This is because the two methods which were introduced here can only delete containers which are empty (witout any child objects). If you want to delete an entire LDAP subtree, you need a recursive function which removes all the children, grandchildren and so on:

DeleteTree "OU=DivisionB,OU=Cerro,DC=ldapexplorer,DC=com" Sub DeleteTree(objDN) Set obj = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDN) If (obj.Class="organizationalUnit") Then For Each child In obj DeleteTree(child.distinguishedName) Next End If obj.DeleteObject(0) End Sub

This function could cause too much time and cpu cycles if you use this in very large or complex directory sub structures. Therefor i want to show another approach which works without any recursion. This other method can delete subtrees also, but uses this pseudo-code:

- Do an LDAP search operation (ADO) to get all child objects beneath the given container.
- Sort the results accordding to the length of the distinguished names (determining factor is the count of the commas in the DN)
- Delete all obejcts, begin with the 'longest' DNs (this deletes the objects in the lowest hierarchy first).

The script syntax is more complicated due to the LDAP search and the sort operation, but it is much faster when it comes to really large and complex LDAP environments:

DeleteTree("OU=DivisionB,OU=Cerro,DC=ldapexplorer,DC=com") Sub DeleteTree(objDN) children = Array() Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'create new ADO connection ado.Provider = "ADSDSOObject" 'use the ADSI interface ado.Open "ADS-Search" 'use any name for the connection Set adoCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") 'create new ADO command adoCmd.ActiveConnection = ado 'assignment to an existing ADO connection adoCmd.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 'set the Paged Results value to 1000 (AD standard) adoCmd.Properties("Cache Results") = True adoCmd.CommandText = "<LDAP://" & objDN & ">;(objectClass=*);distinguishedName;subtree" Set objectList = adoCmd.Execute 'perform search ReDim children(objectList.RecordCount - 1) 'prepare array for search results i = 0 While Not objectList.EOF 'transfer all results into the array children(i) = objectList.Fields("distinguishedName") i = i + 1 objectList.MoveNext 'jump to the next found object Wend SortLongestFirst children 'sort the array, longest names first! For i = 0 To UBound(children) 'delete objects in the arrays order Set obj = GetObject("LDAP://" & children(i)) obj.DeleteObject(0) Next End Sub Sub SortLongestFirst(ByRef arr) 'ShellSort function Dim value, index, index2, distance, lastEl, numEls lastEl = UBound(arr) numEls = lastEl + 1 distance = 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > numEls Do distance = distance \ 3 For index = distance To lastEl value = arr(index) index2 = index Do While (commaCount(arr(index2 - distance)) < commaCount(value)) 'compare the length according to commas arr(index2) = arr(index2 - distance) index2 = index2 - distance If index2 - distance < 0 Then Exit Do Loop arr(index2) = value Next Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub '_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Function commaCount(s) 'count the commas sPure = Replace(s, "\,", " ") commaCount = 0 pos = InStr(sPure, ",") While (pos > 0) commaCount = commaCount + 1 pos = InStr(pos+1, sPure, ",") Wend End Function

By the way: We use the ShellSort algorithm here.