- Home
- What is ADSI? What is SelfADSI?
- Links with Information about ADSI and Scripting
- The scripting environment
- First steps: Easy script examples
- The AD database: structure and access
- The Global Catalog
- LDAP - The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- LDAP path names - Distinguished names
- LDAP filter
- ADSI Error codes and Runtime error
- Connecting to the directory
- Searching for objects with criterias
- Reading object attributes
- Creating objects
- Renaming objects
- Deleting objects
- Deep Inside Object Attributes
- Attributes for Active Directory Users
- accountExpires, adminDescription, adminDisplayName, ADsPath,
altRecipient, altRecipientBL, authOrig, authOrigBL, autoReplyMessage,
badPasswordTime, badPwdCount, c (Country), canonicalName, Class,
co (Country), company, countryCode, createTimeStamp, deletedItemFlags,
delivContLength, deliverAndRedirect, department, descritpion,
directReports, displayName,
displayNamePrintable, distinguishedName, dLMemRejectPerms, dLMemRejectPermsBL,
dLMemSubmitPerms, dLMemSubmitPermsBL, extensionAttribute, facsimileTelephoneNumber,
garbageCollPeriod, givenName,
homeDirectory, homeDrive, homeMDB, homeMTA, homePhone,
info, initials, ipPhone,
isDeleted, l (Location),
lastLogoff, lastLogon, lastLogonTimeStamp, legacyExchangeDN,
lockoutTime, logonCount, logonHours, mail,
mailNickname, manager, mDBOverHardQuotaLimit, mDBOverQuotaLimit,
mDBUseDefaults, member, memberOf, mobile,
modifyTimeStamp, msCOM-UserPartitionSetLink, msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed,
msExchHideFromAddressLists, msExchHomeServerName, msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor,
msExchMasterAccountSID, msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable, msExchPoliciesExcluded,
msExchRecipLimit, msExchRequireAuthToSendTo, msExchUserAccountControl,
msNPAllowDialin, msNPCallingStationID, msNPSavedCallingStationID,
msRADIUSCallbackNumber, msRADIUSFramedIPAddress, msRADIUSFramedRoute,
msRADIUSServiceType, msRASSavedCallbackNumber, msRASSavedFramedIPAddress,
msRASSavedFramedRoute, name, Name (ADSI Property), nTSecurityDescriptor, objectCategory, objectClass,
objectGUID, objectSid, otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber, otherHomePhone, otherIpPhone, otherMobile, otherPager, otherTelephone, pager,
Parent, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, postalCode, postOfficeBox,
primaryGroupID, profilePath, protocolSettings, proxyAddresses,
publicDelegates, publicDelegatesBL, pwdLastSet, sAMAccountName,
scriptPath, securityProtocol, sIDHistory, sn
(Surname), st (State), streetAddress,
submissionContLength, telephoneNumber, textEncodedORAddress,
title, unauthOrig, unauthOrigBL, url,
userAccountControl, userCertificate, userParameters, userPrincipalName,
userWorkstations, uSNChanged, uSNCreated, whenChanged, whenCreated, wWWHomePage
- Attributes for AD Users (Admin GUI Windows 2008)
- Attributes for AD Users (Admin GUI Windows 2000 / Windows 2003)
- Attribute for Active Directory Groups
- Attribute for Active Directory Contacts
Special AD Attributes for Exchange 2000/2003
- Special AD Attributes for Exchange 2007
- Special AD Attributes for Services for Unix 3.5
- Attributes for Exchange 5.5 Mailboxes
- Admin-Description, ADSPath, Alt-Recipient, Alt-Recipient-BL, Assoc-NT-Account, Auth-Orig, Auth-Orig-BL, Class, cn, co, Company, conferenceInformation, createTimeStamp, Deliv-Cont-Length, Deliver-And-Redirect, department, distinguishedName, DXA-Flags, DXA-Task, Extension-Attribute, facsimileTelephoneNumber, Folder-Pathname, Garbage-Coll-Period, givenName, Hide-From-AddressBook, Home-MDB, Home-MTA, homephone, info, initials, Is-Deleted, l
mail, manager, MDB-Over-Quota-Limit, MDB-Storage-Quota, MDB-Use-Defaults, memberOf, mobile, modifyTimestamp, Name, name, NT-Security-Descriptor, Object-Version, objectClass, otherMailbox, pager, Parent, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, postalAddress, postalCode, Protocol-Settings, Public-Delegates, Public-Delegates-BL, rdn, Replication-Sensivity, Reports, rfc822Mailbox, secretary, Security-Protocol, sn, st, Submission-Cont-Length, Telephone-Assistant, Telephone-Home2, Telephone-Office2, telephoneNumber, textEncodedORAddress, title, uid, Unauth-Orig, Unauth-Orig-BL, USN-Changed, USN-Created, USN-Source
- Extended Handling of Active Directory Objects
- Legal stuff / Terms of use