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Attributes for Ex5.5 Mailboxes :  Hide-From-Address-Book

This is a boolean TRUE/FALSE value which determines whether the object is hidden in the global address book or not.


LDAP name Hide-From-Address-Book
Data type Boolean
Multivalue (Array) No
Heuristic 20 => Replicated between sites, no operational attribute
Access category

Admin access only

Ex55 Database name Hide-From-Address-Book

If this attribute is set to TRUE, you will see the mailbox in the Exchange 5.5 admin utility only if using the option "View -> Hidden Recipients".

Even more strange: Hidden recipient objects are invisible for an LDAP client even in the first moment. For reading and accessing such objects in an LDAP session, you have to use the administrative bind logon when connecting to the LDAP Exchange 5.5 server. The credentials for the neccessary OpenDSObject() function have to be in this notation:

cn=<Username>, dc=<Domäne>, cn=admin

Attention: The connect with an administrative bind has a strange side effect: If searching for LDAP objects (for example you search for all objects in one container), the system also returns all deleted objects in case that these objects are still existing as thombstones in the directory database. You might use an LDAP filter with the attribute Is-Deleted.