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Attributes for Exchange 5.5 Mailboxes :  Protocol-Settings

This attribute holds an array of 5 strings, which represents the protocol configuration of the mailbox according to HTTP, IMAP4, LDAP, NNTP and POP3.


LDAP name Protocol-Settings
Data type Unicode-Strings
Multivalue (Array) Yes
Heuristic 13 => No replication between sites, Operational Attribute
Access category

Admin access only

Ex55 Database name Protocol-Settings

There is a problem if you want to interpret the content of this attribute: the internal structure of these configuration strings isn't documented by Microsoft. The typical syntax of the array is the following:


The numeric character after the "§" indicates whether the mailbox owner is allowed to access the Exchange server over the given protocol. In our example, the OWA access over HTTP is allowed, whereas the acces over IMAP4 or POP3 is blocked.

The Protocol-Settings attribute is an operational attribute which is not automatically retrieved by a GetObject() or an GetInfo() call. You can load such attributes into the object property cache by explicitly calling GetInfoEx(). Read more about this technique in the topic 'Reading object attributes' here in the SelfADSI tutorial.