Attributes for AD Users : ipPhone
The Active Directory attribute ipPhone can contain the IP telephone number or address of the user. The primary IP telephone number/address for the user can be stored in the singlevalue attribute named ipPhone.
LDAP name | ipPhone |
Data type | String |
Multivalue (Array) | No |
System Flags | 0x10 |
Search Flags | 0x0 |
In Global Catalog? | Yes |
Attribute ID | 1.2.840.113556.1.4.721 |
AD DB attribute name | Phone-Ip-Primary |
ADSI datatype | 3 - String(Unicode) |
LDAP syntax | - Directory String |
Used in ... | > W2K |
Schema Info | Microsoft - MSDN |
This field isn't used directly from the Active Directory system, it is a pure info attribute without technical meaning. However, the telephoneNumber attribute is could be used used if some unified messaging system is installed which is based on Active Directory data.
Please note that there is another multivalue attribute named otherIpPhone, which can hold a list of additional IP telephone numebrs / addresses for the user.