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Attributes for Exchange 5.5 Mailboxes :  rfc822Mailbox

This is the primary SMTP mail address of the mailbox.


LDAP name rfc822Mailbox
Data type String (IgnoreCase)
Multivalue (Array) No
Heuristic 18 => Replicated between sites, no operational attribute
Access category

Adminaccess only

Ex55 Database name Proxy-Adresses

Note that the datatype of this attribute is a caseignore string. However, the address mst be unique in the entire Exchange organisation!

Normally the SMTP address is part of the multivalue attribute otherMailbox, in which all types of recipient addresses are stored. The primary SMTP address is the one where "SMTP" is written in capital letters. This address is also contained in the attribut mail. If you change the rfc822Mailbox attribute, you have to change the other address attributes accordingly.

If you dont use SMTP mailing, you dont need any SMTP address - which is a big different to systems with Exchange 2000 or newer.